Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fairway to Heaven

Dad left this world at 3:45pm for a healthy body, to see his parents, and to have a conversation face to face with God. His family was by his side as we have always been! "We love you and will miss you terribly."


  1. My thoughts are with you. I'm so sorry.

  2. Sarah,
    I am SO sorry. I wish I could be there for you and am more sorry than you will ever know that I am not. I will call you as soon as I am back in the states in Feb. I love you so much and wish I could help you through this like you helped me. Stay strong like I know you are, cry whenever you feel like it cause it helps, and take some time for yourself!! I love you :) xoxo


  3. Sarah, we are so sorry for your loss. We're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

  4. I was just posting a message to let you know Presbyterian Church in NP prayed for all of you this morning, I was struggling with what to write...looking at scriptures, and my computer went blank, and I got the message.......David is in heaven, and I know he is singing with the angels.....can you just picture the smile on his face?? It was not the answer we wanted....
    Hugs to all, td/rd/bd/rd

  5. I am so so sorry. Please take care. we love you and can't wait to give you hugs.

  6. Sarah- I just found out about what's been going on with your dad. I'm so sorry to hear about all of this. I'm thankful that you and the whole family were with him during his final days. You'll be able to cherish that forever! I'm praying for you and the whole family.
    Becca Weaver

  7. Wow—not nearly enough time to say goodbye. I am so sad for your family. Your faith is strong and that will get you through. It will not be an easy thing, and peace seems like a far away dream, but it will come. Dave is shaking hands with the maker of the universe and smiling down on you, wanting you to be comforted by the knowledge of his immense love for you. I am sure he was not ready to leave all or you, any more than you are ready to let him go, but what we want and pray for is not always Gods plan. I would like to share this prayer with you.
    Grant unto me, O Lord, that with peace of mind I may face all that this day may bring. Grant unto me to dedicate myself completely to thy Holy Will.
    Love in Christ will sustain you and keep you warm in His love in the coming days!
    Love to your family,
    Don and Carol Davies

  8. Our family here in Lincoln is lifting each of you up as now there are more decisions to make and I pray that God gives you clarity and an unshakeable feeling of HIS presence in this time of loss and yet celebration for the promise of Heaven that he has offered to each of us. Your daddy is now leaning over and saying "Look at my sweet girls, how I love them so," to only hear your heavenly Father stand right next to him and say DITTO!!!!
    I love yall and will help with anything you need, here or there.
    Let us know!!! Jenn, I can be there is you would like me to be.
    Love you,

  9. From Patty/Jack in North Platte, NE......
    Sending hugs and prayers of strength..... wanting you to know how much we are thinking of all of you.....(just wanting you to get this message.....)

  10. I have been with you all day even though not in body, but in spirit....that is how it all are so brave and knew what you had to do.......I love you all.....Di

  11. We just got home from a church small group and got on the computer to read this. We are saddened with the loss of Dave. We want you to know how much we are thinking and praying for you. We love all of you.

    Dan, Cindy, Megan, and Evan

  12. The Schey Family,
    We loved Dave because he always called us Janie and Brewman. He made us feel we had been his friend since childhood. We will miss him.
    Our prayers are with you. Love ya, Janie & Brew

  13. We are so sad for your loss. We will keep praying for your family to feel wrapped in God's love, that you will find comfort and strength knowing how much Dave loved you all.
    Love, Tom and Terri

  14. My heart is saddend by your loss. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as God helps you through this time.


  15. Thinking of you all and wishing you peace.
    The Podliska's

  16. Our loss is heaven's gain. Know we will be with you, asking for God's help to supply whatever you need when you need it.

    Cindy and Neil

  17. He will have everyone in Heaven laughing and smiling! Dave will be missed dearly but everyone will have fond memories of him and his wonderful sense of humor. I will miss him very much. My heart goes out to you Candie, Jenn, and Sarah. Tiff

  18. So sorry to hear that Dave has left this earth. He was a great asset to Rotary and his many friends...we'll miss him. Know that we asked this morning that Dave and all of his friends and family be held in the Light...and each and every one of you will be in our thoughts and prayers.

    Gale and Lisa

  19. We can't find the proper words....Peace be with your entire family. We were fortunate to have shared Dave's jokes, sly smile and zest for life during our years at Fox Hill. We have just really enjoyed knowing him. Thank you for sharing his last days. We are thinking and praying for you always.
    God Bless,
    Lynn and Bob Ahern

  20. I was in church this morning and after communion I suddenly felt a real sadnes and started to tear up. I later thought that Dave had come by to say farewell. I am praying for you all to have the Lord help with you grief

  21. my most heartfelt and sincere sorry to your family. We are all here when you need us- please lean on us.

  22. Dear Schey fam,
    my prayers are with you..As I heard from a speaker recently, "death is just a major change of address". Dave's spirit lives in a much more wonderful place than this earth. Wishing you all peace and comfort at this very sad time.

  23. I can only imagine the deep pain you all must be feeling at this time. The shock and the rawness of departure makes anyone feel like calling it quits. We must cry our hearts out and let him know how much we need; need him, each other and the strength to hold on for the sake of the children. They are confused and scared and need to be held. Through their embrace you will find harmony and the courage to know Dave is not fighting the pain anymore, but is resting. Try to let sleep in and restore; the connections of your friends and family are waiting. We are wanting to hold you as we are in need as well. It is through all of you he lives on. In Peace, Tina

  24. Jenn and Family,
    I am sorry for the loss of your father. I was thinking back to a few years ago when I was so fortunate to meet your dad and I can clearly remember how he had me laughing the entire time we spoke. I can see it now, he's making our Heavenly Father laugh too! I wish I could be there to give you a great big hug but know that Brent and I are praying for you all and love you. xoxo

  25. Sarah, it has been forever I know, but my mom had let me know your dad wasn't doing very well. I'm so sorry to hear about his passing. You sound like your head is in the right place about it - and you're right. He has his health and can happily watch you from above now. I think of you always...xoxoxo Anthony

  26. Schey family,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Dave and the entire family has been in our thoughts day and night.
    There will be an empty chair at your table and an additional one at Gods. He will be so missed.
    Connie Nelson

  27. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Dave always treated us like we were extended family he hadn't seen in while, gave us nicknames, Kirk (Kirky) and Kris (Kristoff). Anytime we saw him we knew our day was going to be better, brighter. After talking to him you could guarantee we would have grins on our faces. We will miss him! He was one of the guys we looked up to...

  28. Candie,
    My heart breaks for you and your loss. Lean on the LORD and His strength during this trying time. He will sustain you. Carl and I have been praying for you and the family. Please call on me at any time.
    With love,

  29. Schey Family,
    We are so sorry to hear about your loss. There are no words that anyone can say to lessen your burden. Our thoughts & prayers are with all of you at this time. Please accept our condolences.

    Dave & Diane Cox
    Classmates from LHS

  30. Dear Candie & Family,
    We are so sorry to hear of Dave's passing. May the thoughts & prayers of friends & loved ones help sustain you in this time of great sorrow and loss.
    Carl & Marilyn Huber

  31. Schey Family,
    I am so sorry for you loss. The only consolation I can think of is that you are such a tight, strong family that, at the very least, you have each other to reach out to for comfort. I remember visiting the Schey household in high school and the one thing that always struck me was the warmth you all held as a family. You're in my thoughts during this difficult time.

    ~Anne (Lambert) Wofford
